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In Celtic mythology, Brigid ("goddess who exults herself") was the daughter of Dagda and wife of Bres.

Some of her titles included:

  • "Fire of Inspiration" - patroness of poets
  • "Fire of the Hearth" - patroness of healers, goddess of fertility
  • "Fire of the Forge" - patroness of smiths, craftsmen and warriors

By Tuireann, she was the mother of Creidhne, Luchtaine and Giobhniu.

Brigid possessed an apple orchard in the Otherworld; bees traveled there to obtain magical nectar. This orchard was associated with Avalon.

The Lady of the Lake in Arthurian Legend may be based on Brigid.

Brigid was the goddess of the Sacred Flame of Kildare. After the Christianization of the Celts, Brigid was considered the foster mother of Jesus Christ and was often called St. Brigid, daughter of the druid, Dougal the Brown. Some sources suggest that Saint Brigid was an Irish Catholic bishop.

On February 1, Brigid was celebrated at Imbolc, when she brought spring to the land. It is now the feast day of the Catholic St. Brigid.

Brigid was the patron goddess of the druids.

Other names

Brigid (Ireland), Brighid (Ireland), Bridget (Ireland) Anglicised version of the gaelic name. Brid, Bride (Scotland), ffraid (Wales), Breo Saighead ("the fiery arrow"), Berecyntia (Gaul), Brigan, Brigandu (Gaul), Brigantia,Brigantis (Briton),Brigindo (Switzerland).


Suggested Reading

Women in Celtic Myth: Tales of Extraordinary Women from Ancient Celtic Tradition
by: Moyra Caldecott

Book Description
These intriguing stories--some more than 3,000 years old--focus on the women of Celtic mythology, from formidable women warriors to the gentle women who guided others to spiritual wisdom.


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