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Beltane or Beltaine (From either Irish Gaelic Bealtaine or Scottish Gaelic Bealtuinn; both from Old Irish Beletene, "bright fire") is an ancient Gaelic holiday celebrated around May 1. "Bealtaine" is the name in modern Irish for the month of May. It is also the traditional first day of summer in Ireland. It is a Cross quarter day being midpoint in the Sun's progress between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice. May 5 (Old Beltane) is the precise astronomical date.

Early Gaelic sources from around the 10th century state that the Druids would create a need-fire on top of a hill on this day and rush the village's celtic mythology imagecattle through the fires to purify them and bring luck ("Eadar dà theine Bhealltuinn" in Scottish Gaelic, "Between two fires of Beltane"). People would also go between the fires to purify themselves. This was echoed throughout history after Christianisation, with lay people instead of Druid priests creating the need fire. The festival persisted widely up until the 1950s, and in some places the celebration of Beltane continues today. A Beltane Fire Festival is held every year during the night of 30th April on Calton Hill in Edinburgh, Scotland attended by around 15,000 people.

Beltane is a specifically Gaelic holiday, not "Celtic," as other Celtic cultures, such as the Welsh, Bretons, and Gauls, do not celebrate it.

In neopaganism, the name Beltane or Beltaine is used for a sabbat, one of the eight solar holidays, which is celebrated on this day. Although the holiday uses features of the Gaelic Beltane, such as the bale fire, it bears more relation to the Germanic May Day festival, both in its significance (focussing on fertility) and its rituals (such as maypole dancing). High Beltaine is celebrated through a reinactment of intercourse between the May Lord and Lady. Gerald Gardner, the principal originator of the Wiccan religion, referred to the holiday as May Eve.

Among the neopagan sabbats, Beltane is a cross-quarter day; it is celebrated in the northern hemisphere on May 1 and in the southern hemisphere on November 1. Beltane follows Ostara and precedes Midsummer (see the Wheel of the Year).


Suggested Reading

Celebrating The Seasons Of Life: Beltane to Mabon : Lore, Rituals, Activities, And Symbols
by: Ashleen O'Gaea

Book Description
This second volume of Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Beltane to Mabon explores Wicca's relationship with other religions. Wicca is the largest and best-known Neo-Pagan religion, but it is not the only one-Northern Paganism (Asatru) and Druidry share its traditions. Do you know which Runes are associated with Summer Sabbats? Are you aware of the Druid associations with them? Celebrating the Seasons of Life acknowledges these links and incorporates material designed to emphasize these religions' shared heritage. The stories of the Sabbats help us to reconnect with our lore and bring new meaning and twists to our current practices, in a variety of ways. Celebrating the Seasons of Life gives us the history of each holiday and explains its place in modern life. Through it, you can discover a variety of rituals that are ideal for covens, solitaries, and Wiccan families-including special sections on what children of various ages are ready to learn about these holidays: * Beltane (May 1st) * Litha (June 21st) * Lammas (August 1st) * Mabon (September 21st)


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